Study Abroad

About The Course

Successful people always improve their skills in every aspect of life, and when it comes to the English language, they push their limits to use it on a daily basis. They incorporate it into their lifestyles. That’s how important the English language might be.

A Student Studying With A Laptop, A Notebook, And Headphones

Why You Need To Study Abroad?

Here are some tips that you can follow before entering the courses to improve your English comprehension: Here are some tips that you can follow before entering the courses to improve your English comprehension:Here are some tips that you can follow before entering the courses to improve your English comprehension.

How to prepare for the General English course?

Here are some tips that you can follow before entering the courses to improve your English comprehension: Here are some tips that you can follow before entering the courses to improve your English comprehension:Here are some tips that you can follow before entering the courses to improve your English comprehension.

Try to read a short story or a long article in English

To improve your reading skill, simply put them into action! In order to prepare for the courses and try to advance your skills in English reading, you need to read simple articles and stories to test them. You can grab a story or read an article online, then try to focus on the choice of words in them. Collect new words and notice the grammatical structure within them. 

Write a Letter

To improve your reading skill, simply put them into action! In order to prepare for the courses and try to advance your skills in English reading, you need to read simple articles and stories to test them. You can grab a story or read an article online, then try to focus on the choice of words in them. Collect new words and notice the grammatical structure within them. 

Listen to podcasts

To improve your reading skill, simply put them into action! In order to prepare for the courses and try to advance your skills in English reading, you need to read simple articles and stories to test them. You can grab a story or read an article online, then try to focus on the choice of words in them. Collect new words and notice the grammatical structure within them. 

Practice speaking English

To improve your reading skill, simply put them into action! In order to prepare for the courses and try to advance your skills in English reading, you need to read simple articles and stories to test them. You can grab a story or read an article online, then try to focus on the choice of words in them. Collect new words and notice the grammatical structure within them. 

A Red Question Mark

How could the center you choose give you the exact result you want?
It’s a question that you need to ask in order to know which center you should join, because you want to spend your time on something that will benefit you. IH Cairo can guarantee that you’ll learn so much in little time. Because in only 4 weeks, you’ll practice English skills with other learners and native English speakers.

What Are The Requirements To Study Abroad?

When you write emails, create some reports or draft essays, you need to be clear and concise. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words.

You’ll learn by the end of this course how to:

  • Organize your ideas.
  • Learn new words to use while writing.
  • Organize your ideas according to the structure.
  • Engage the reader with compelling content.
  • Produce coherent pieces of writing.

When you write emails, create some reports or draft essays, you need to be clear and concise. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words.

You’ll learn by the end of this course how to:

  • Organize your ideas.
  • Learn new words to use while writing.
  • Organize your ideas according to the structure.
  • Engage the reader with compelling content.
  • Produce coherent pieces of writing.

When you write emails, create some reports or draft essays, you need to be clear and concise. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words.

You’ll learn by the end of this course how to:

  • Organize your ideas.
  • Learn new words to use while writing.
  • Organize your ideas according to the structure.
  • Engage the reader with compelling content.
  • Produce coherent pieces of writing.

When you write emails, create some reports or draft essays, you need to be clear and concise. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words.

You’ll learn by the end of this course how to:

  • Organize your ideas.
  • Learn new words to use while writing.
  • Organize your ideas according to the structure.
  • Engage the reader with compelling content.
  • Produce coherent pieces of writing.

When you write emails, create some reports or draft essays, you need to be clear and concise. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words.

You’ll learn by the end of this course how to:

  • Organize your ideas.
  • Learn new words to use while writing.
  • Organize your ideas according to the structure.
  • Engage the reader with compelling content.
  • Produce coherent pieces of writing.

When you write emails, create some reports or draft essays, you need to be clear and concise. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words. You need to convey what you want to say in the right words.

You’ll learn by the end of this course how to:

  • Organize your ideas.
  • Learn new words to use while writing.
  • Organize your ideas according to the structure.
  • Engage the reader with compelling content.
  • Produce coherent pieces of writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, you’ll be assessed via a portfolio of coursework, including background essays, observed lessons, and a professional development assignment.

Although you’re not obligated to follow the modules in their numerical order, it’s preferred to take Module One first because it focuses on the theoretical knowledge that you’ll apply in Module Two.

Besides taking that module, you can also start evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses to know what you should focus on while taking Module Two.

And while evaluating these points, don’t forget to check your entire teaching performance so you can know which teaching strategy you’re using and which one you’ll start applying.

Another aspect you should look for while preparing for this module is to understand the learners deeper so you can choose the material and the method that best fits their requirements and needs. 

DELTA is suitable for English teachers with at least one year of experience in teaching English. 

You should also have completed an initial teaching qualification to take this course.

And while Delta focuses on teaching both theory and practice, Module Two is the only one where you’ll be assessed on the teaching practice section.

So, if you want to enhance your teaching abilities and practice professional development, then DELTA Module Two will assist you.

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