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in Teaching English for Young Learner!

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Please fill in the attached application form and the pre-interview task then send them together with a recent photo to
maximum one week from receiving this email.

Please make sure you meet the deadline to ensure your place on your chosen course. 
Once we receive your application form and task, you’ll receive an email scheduling you to an interview with our tutor. 

For any queries, you can contact our administrator via email : 
or simply call +201001272493  / +201222246959 

Explore more services

Learn English

In this day and age, everyone needs to speak good English. This is due to the massive globalisation that we’ve been facing these past few years, making it tremendously easier to get a job if you’ve got good English skills. 

Teacher Training

We provide professional and internationally accredited teacher trainings. With these certificates you can take your career to the next level whether here in Egypt or abroad and be a qualified teacher with globally recognized certificate.

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