What Are The Best Online Courses?

What criteria should an English online course have before you choose it?
Smiling young man studying for his online English class

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No matter what stage you are at in your career, improving your English skills is a must in order for you to advance and raise your salary as an employee.

Nowadays, online English courses provide you with everything you need from traditional classrooms to much more! It has become more efficient and convenient to learn English online than to go the traditional route and waste time, money, and energy.

In this article, we will provide you with a complete how-to guide on which online English courses to choose and which ones will help you improve your English skills the most, along with some other skills you can learn along the way.

How Effective Is Online Learning?

Before we go into choosing the best English online course, we need to first discuss the topic of effectiveness when it comes to online English courses. How effective are they? Are they as recognized as traditional ones? 

There’s a study done to measure the effectiveness of online learning vs. traditional learning. They separated students into two groups: one participated in an online class and the other participated in a traditional one, provided that both used the same methods and instructions for each class.

They found that the average level of knowledge gained in each group was the same. Although, the level of assessments for the students in the online class was higher than those attending the traditional one.

This type of study shows the effectiveness of online courses, especially when comparing the cost of each type of course, as online English courses are significantly cheaper than one-on-one courses.

Another way that an online course can be more effective than traditional face-to-face courses is by how comfortable you can be when taking them. 

Face-to-face courses can be tiring and physically taxing. You need to sit on an uncomfortable chair for extended periods of time. This can take a toll on you, especially nowadays, when you need to be wearing a mask wherever you go outside and constantly be stressed about the crowdedness of any place you’re in.

All these problems instantly disappear when you decide on an online English course instead. Taking an online course will allow you to sit comfortably in your office, or even on your couch at home, eliminating any possible physical pain you can feel from sitting uncomfortably for hours.

What Are The Benefits of Online Learning?

Now that we’ve covered the effectiveness of online English courses as opposed to traditional ones, we need to discuss other benefits that are exclusive to learning English online.


Perhaps one of the biggest and most talked-about benefits that inspire people to learn English online is the flexibility in time and place, something you won’t find in any traditional face-to-face course.

Online English courses, such as the ones provided by Voxy, give you full freedom over where and when you decide to take the session. Due to the availability of tutors 24/7 that allows you to take group classes whenever you’d like, all you have to do to ensure your place in any class is to simply reserve a seat there.

This will allow you to juggle multiple activities and commitments such as work, family time or your college education, all during the few weeks that you’ll be taking the online course. It’ll also be hugely beneficial for those with children or other responsibilities that they cannot get away from. 


The low cost of online courses compared to face-to-face ones will lead you to save money easily.

This is due to the saved cost of transportation as you can take the online course from anywhere you feel comfortable, not to mention the cost of possible accommodation or travelling if such courses are unavailable where you live. In such cases, the online English course will save you a lot of money and energy.


When it comes to online English courses, you have the ability to personalize your course however you’d like, according to what’s best for you.

For example, Voxy’s private sessions are customizable in such a way that allows you to pick what you’d like to work on as well as giving you the freedom to provide the tutor with whatever topic you’d like them to use for each session. 

Try the 24/7 Online English Courses with Voxy!

Voxy offers online English courses for all purposes on one platform and all of the courses are available 24/7 so you can flexibly manage your time.

A Student Smiling With A Laptop In Front Of Her And A Notebook
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Do Employers like Online Certificates?

Possibly the reason why most people decide to learn English is to increase their chances of getting picked for their dream job, especially if it’s going to allow them to travel and live or work abroad.

Especially for those who don’t have a college degree, getting a certified online English course will be incredibly beneficial for your career. It won’t only improve your English skills, but it’ll also provide you with other skills that are both needed and praised in the job market.

Such skills include, but aren’t limited to:

Time-Management Skills

learning English online gives you flexibility compared to face-to-face options, but it also teaches you great time-management skills due to your own efforts of juggling work, family, and your course together.

Broad Perspective

If you learn English online using Voxy, you’ll undoubtedly come across people from all over the world. This will help you broaden your horizon and become open-minded when it comes to the individuals you’re bound to meet and work with.

This will be especially helpful for you under the circumstances of working abroad. Having an online certificate on your resume/CV will give your future employer the idea that you’re capable of working with different people of different cultures.

Networking Skills

As the previous example implies, you’ll be connected with other individuals across the globe. This will not only help you broaden your horizon, it will also give you connections and acquaintances from many places around the world. 

In this case, you can always know what countries will be best for you to work and live in. You can also find out if any major companies open up opportunities to work abroad.

Technical Skills

Giving time and energy to learn English online will certainly help your technical skills. This is because of the platforms you’ll be using and, in general, getting used to working and communicating online.

Now more than ever, the ability to navigate through jobs and tasks online is much needed. Online courses allow you to get used to communicating online with ease.

In addition to such skills, many job opportunities don’t require a college degree. However, you’ll be in the runner-ups for great job offers if you acquire a certified online English course.

What Online Course Should You Do?

With the high demand of online courses these days, there are endless online English courses everywhere you look. But what makes an English course ‘the one’ for you? What course should you look into and what others should you ignore?

One of the most important criteria you should look for in your online English course is adaptability. You need to find an English course that is best suited for your individual needs as an English learner.

You can find such adaptability in Voxy and this is due to the complete freedom you have over what topics you study. Voxy also uses a great feature called “contextual learning” which provides knowledge from the real world. In other words, you can use articles from any website to help you through your English learning journey all while being interesting and insightful.

This method is especially useful as it links between the real world and your English learning experience, which helps you remember the information you’ve attained and not forget them easily.

A good English course will also include great native teachers. After all, you should always learn from the original source of the language. When it comes to Voxy, you’ll be learning from native speakers through live group instruction or, if you’d like, you can use the one-on-one option.

The one-on-one option allows you to privately interact with the tutor and provide them with topics you’d like to work on. It also allows you to get feedback from them.

Another great feature that you should look for in any online English course is accessibility. What we mean by that is that you can easily access the platform wherever you are.

This is why platforms that are available through phone or tablet applications are great, especially if you’re constantly busy with other commitments.

To sum up what we’ve said previously, there are certain criteria that an online course needs to meet before you decide on taking it.

These criteria include flexibility, adaptability and overall being provided by an accredited platform that will ensure you get the knowledge you deserve and also look trust-worthy on your resume/CV.

Online English Courses for ALL Purposes!

Study English now with qualified teachers which offer English courses for all specializations. In addition, you can study English at anytime and at any place through the Voxy mobile app.

A Student Studying With A Laptop, A Notebook, And Headphones

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