Online Learning

What’s Voxy

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    We all want to master the English language but when we use online platforms, we often hit a wall. At one point we can’t move forward. Sure, you know some words, phrases, and grammar rules, but speaking with a native is quite impossible.

    That’s why Voxy chose a new and contemporary way to make sure that you reach your goal.

    Now, what is Voxy?

    Voxy is an e-learning website and mobile/tablet app that was founded in 2010. It provides institutions with personalized courses for English learning using innovative methods.

    Voxy’s motto is “learn language from life” since all the material is based on all sorts of media/content produced by native English speakers. From news articles and reports to your favorite Avengers movie.

    Voxy understands that you need to enjoy what you are learning to actually learn it.

    Voxy depends on the principles of TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching) which focuses on performing tasks from real-life situations, like calling customer service for help using the targeted language. So if you are a Starbucks addict, your task will be going to Starbucks and ordering a nice cold venti iced latte.

    This method is used to get rid of the idea of traditional classrooms that mostly rely on memorizing vocabulary and words without putting them to the test in the real world. Don’t worry, you won’t have to spend hours learning stuff that you’ll never need, because we understand that you need to learn vocabulary that you can actually use and apply in your day-to-day life.

    In 2015, Voxy got patented for its customized keyword extraction method, which is the process of identifying keywords that are relevant to understanding the meaning of the text. Voxy utilizes this method to determine the words each learner needs to learn based on their needs and will benefit them the most based on their level.

    I’m sure by now you’re wondering, how can listening to Beyoncé or Lizzo help me learn English? Well, one of Voxy’s main features is authentic content. It’s not a term we are used to, but this content is the most effective and efficient way to build a strong language course.

    Authentic content is content created by native speakers that weren’t made with the intention of being used in a language learning environment; it’s gathered from real-life situations so the user can understand how an actual conversation will go.

    Including this content in the learning process helps you stay more engaged and motivates you since it’s gathered from your favorite singer e.g. Harry Styles or your favorite book e.g Harry Potter.

    Another feature that helps increase the learning curve and help the user actually master the language is the personalized units; Voxy’s whole course is founded on the importance of personalizing the experience of every user.

    Why is that important?

    Well, having a course specially made for everyone’s needs helps the user stay focused because what they are learning is relevant to them. In addition, since each user has their own weak spot, it’s important to shape the course in a way that will help them strengthen that part.

    So if you are a flight attendant, they will focus on aviation terms and countries that are named differently in English. Another feature that sets Voxy apart is having its own Voxy Proficiency Assessment (VPA); it’s a test designed by Voxy to assess your level and it’s taken once you sign up and every three months after that.

    This test could be used as a benchmark to take notice of your performance and development.

    Voxy takes personalization to a whole new level with its Career-Aligned courses. They understand that everyone has different needs and jobs and they need to learn terminologies specific to their field. 

    That’s why they offer courses in more than 20 fields, giving everyone a chance to thrive and expand in their field to have a better understanding and grasp of the different information that’s published.

    This feature came in handy in Brazil when they were hosting the World Cup in 2014 and needed their taxi drivers to be able to communicate with the tourists.

    Voxy aligned their courses with the drivers’ needs and they were able to understand directions said in English and even hold a conversation with the visitors and discuss how Cristiano has short-term amnesia and forgot how to play proper football.

    Curriculum-aligned courses is another service that Voxy provides since it knows how hard it is to create a learning curriculum from scratch. That’s why they offer teachers and institutions the chance to develop their own unique courses for their desired audience or update their material from real-life content.

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